Your Health, Your Wealth
Your Health is Your Wealth Simplified. Eight simple principles to live by. Its so simple you just maybe be doing them already... If not it just as easy to get started. Some even refer to this as the 'eight doctors'
Today We Rest!
God saw that a Sabbath was essential for man, even in Paradise. He needed to lay aside his own interests and pursuits for one day of the seven, that he might more fully contemplate the works of God and meditate upon His power and goodness. He needed a Sabbath to remind him more vividly of God and to awaken gratitude because all that he enjoyed and possessed came from the beneficent hand of the Creator. {PP 48}
Natural Soaps with Natural Ingredients
Not just for cleaning but for refining! Why do I use additives in my products? One product, several benefits, more bang for your buck!
What's In A Name?
How I choose the name for my brand? Shurnique represents me as a creator of something unique, be it my daughter or this line of products...its all in my name!